Central Park in The Division?

the division giubin assistenza computer barletta

Pagina del gioco

Nelle ultime ore, qualche utente su Reddit ha pubblicato dei dati scovati all'interno del gioco, nella versione 1.5 del client per essere precisi. Uno in particolare parla della Zona Nera e di Central Park. Ecco una descrizione trovata nei file del gioco:

“We’re unlocking the gates that lead north towards Central Park.”


Non è una notizia ufficiale, Massive non ha annunciato nulla, tutto ciò potrebbe non arrivare mai o subire cambiamenti di qualsiasi tipo, ma le premesse ci sono. Da sempre nel gioco esiste l'area di Central Park, anche se molto scarna in dettagli e non accessibile.


“Agent, we’ve started pushing further into the Dark Zone. We’re unlocking the gates that lead north towards Central Park. I need you to get up there to do a little recon. Let me know what you see, and stay safe. It’s not exactly friendly territory.”

“Look, there’s no room. There’s just no room any more. The park is full. They can’t keep up with the dying. The transport trucks are dumping bodies outside and… and headed back for more. Jesus, I’ve never seen so much death. They have to seal it off. No one should ever see this…”

“I’m saying it’s an opportunity. The JTF, they can’t dig graves fast enough. So they are just taking the bodies, all of the bodies, and dumping them in Central Park. Just picking ‘em up and throwing ‘em in. I mean if you get a decent gas mask, maybe some hand sanitizer- you could find some serious shit in there. If they can’t even bury ‘em, they sure as hell aren’t going through the pockets. But that doesn’t have to stop us.”

“Not exactly scenic New York City, is it? But at least we got some idea of what we’re getting into. Thanks, Agent.”

Nuova modalità PvP e Eventi

Molti giocatori hanno spesso chiesto cambiamenti nella modalità PvP. Nel codice del gioco sono state trovate alcune linee di testo che contengono dei riferimenti a una modalità nuova, una sorta di modalità dominio.

The match is half over.
One minute remaining.
Just thirty seconds left.
Zone Alpha has reverted to neutral.
No one controls zone Alpha.
Zone Alpha is now under enemy control.
Rogue agents control zone Alpha.
Alert: The enemy has taken zone Alpha.
Oltre alla modalità PvP, si fa riferimento anche ad eventi come guadagno di XP doppi, e non solo: un file ha rivelato un “Contamination Event”.

Contamination Event - "contamination zones below street level in the Dark Zone rise to deadly levels. Be on the lookout for Named Heavy Cleaners moving in to burn out the Contamination.”

SHD tactical terminals e nuovo personaggio

Ecco qui di seguito quanto estratto dal gioco:

“Hey. Agent. I need you to check in with the new guy, Kekich, over at the terminal. He’s got something big on his hands, and he could use your help.”
“Oh, hey, Agent. What you are looking at is one of the SHD tactical terminals airdropped into the DZ before we pulled out. They were supposed to help coordinate ops, but, well that didn’t work out so great. So they’ve just been sitting there rusting, until now. They’re waking up, and they are loaded with operational data we need. The terminal will bring you up to speed on how to get them fully online.”
“Good to see ya, Agent. These are the SHD tactical terminals that got left behind when we pulled out. They are loaded with operational data. We need to get to them and download what we can before anybody else does.”
“Agent, this is Kekich. swing by when you get a chance. We’ve got these SHD tactical terminals left behind in the Dark Zone. They’re loaded with heavy duty operational data, and we need to get to that data before any Rogue agents get the chance. We’re gonna need your help with this one.”
“Agent, before we pulled out of the Dark Zone, the brass air-dropped in some SHD tech stations to coordinate local ops. Thing is, those tactical sites are still in there, sitting on all sorts of intel. We want it back, and so does every Rogue agent in the city. We need you to get a team together and download whatever you can from those stations before someone else does.”

In questi estratti si parla invece di un nuovo personaggio chiamato Kekich, che a quanto pare ha qualcosa di grosso fra le mani. Si parla poi di terminali tattici della SHD nella Zona Nera, i quali contengono varie informazioni da mettere in sicurezza. Non si capisce bene come funzionano, ma per ora non ci resta che aspettare.





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